Anthony Lo Presti

VFW 8005 

South Hackensack, NJ

As yesterday's defenders of freedom, we at VFW Post 8005 want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group.  Our common bond is the battlefield, whether it is service in the Persian Gulf, Korea, Kosovo, the war on terrorism or peace-keeping expeditionary campaigns. Your courage and sacrifice have made a difference in preserving and defending world peace. 

What we do?

Veterans Claims

Originally founded in 1899 as the American Veterans of Foreign Service, the Veterans of Foreign Wars continues to be a voice for returning and currently deployed service members and their families. The Veterans of Foreign Wars is dedicated to supporting those who sacrifice so much for this country, veterans, service members in the US Armed Forces, and their families.

Contact a VFW Representative for Help With VA Benefits & Claims at our post.

Eligibility to Join

To qualify for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars, an individual must meet the following TWO requirements: 

Authorized Campaign medals

This information is usually available through a veteran’s DD-214. If other information is needed or if a veteran’s DD-214 is not complete, they can contact the National Personnel Records Center at 314-801-0800 or online at to request more information. It is imperative that we verify the eligibility of every member that signs up for the VFW, not only to comply with our Bylaws but also to maintain the integrity of the organization. 

Monthly Meetings

Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM. Please note that we do not meet during the summer months of July and August. The Summer Dinner will be held in June, and the Holiday Dinner will be in December. Locations for meetings may vary, so be sure to check the calendar for updates and confirm the location before attending. To join the post, please bring your DD214 that shows your eligibility.